Call for papers

发布日期:2021-12-10   供稿人:夏连峰   浏览次数:618

April 23 to April 24, 2022

Hangzhou, China

Conference on Empirical Research of Accounting andFinance Issues in China and Accounting and FinanceSpecial Issue

International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University


International Business School, Zhejiang GongshangUniversity in conjunction with Accounting and Finance (AF) invites submission of academic papers to the Conference on Empirical Research of Accounting and Finance Issues in China (EAFC conference), leading to the AF Special Issueon Empirical Research of Accounting and Finance Issues (EAFC Issue).

To grasp the current international hot issues and promote China-related accounting and finance research, International Business School of Zhejiang Gongshang University (here in IBS) and Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (herein “AFAANZ”) co-organize the EAFC conference. The EAFC conference provides a high-quality academic exchange platform, where accounting and finance scholars and practitioners can share their in-depth research on important accounting and finance issues in China and the world.

The conference will be held from April 23 to April 24, 2022 in Hangzhou, China. This conference will be a hybrid one with both on-site and online sessions.

Important Dates and details


April 23 to April 24, 2022

Paper submission deadline:

  Feb 28, 2022

  (Results Notification: March 15, 2022)



This conference organizers would like to invite the submission of papers  relating to all aspects of accounting andfinance.  Empirical papers are  encouraged in areas which include, but are not limited to: auditing, managerial  accounting, derivatives, financial accounting, corporate finance, investments,  portfolio management, qualitative,environmental, corporate governance, market  microstructure, capital markets, corporate valuation, banking, financial markets,  FinTech, catastrophic risk and rare disaster (e.g., COVID-19).


EAFC issue aims to publish original, significant and visionary papers contributing to applications of new theories and techniques developed in the related areas. High quality papers in the conference will be selected for consideration for publication in EAFC issue ofAccounting and Finance.


International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University


Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New ZealandZhejiang Laboratory•   Tailong Finance School, Zhejiang Gongshang University   China Asset Management Academy, Central University of Finance and        EconomicsKEYNOTE SPEAKERS

 Professor Bohui Zhang, Executive Associate Dean of the School of Management and Economics, and Presidential Chair Professor of Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Professor Yongxiang Wang, Associate Editor at the Review of Economics and Statistics and an Associate Editor at the Review of Finance


Authors interested in presenting their paper at the conference should submit the paper in a complete (including author information) and a blind PDF-version to:


•Submission deadline: Feb 28, 2022.


 Papers will be reviewed anonymously and authors will be notified of the decision by March 15,2022.

All presenting authors are expected to discuss a paper in the conference.


Conference registration fee is RMB 800 for students and RMB 1000 for academics

including tea breaks, conference venues and materials, conference lunches and dinner.

The Guest Editors

Jing Shi,

Department of Applied Finance, Macquarie University

Xueyong Zhang,

School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics

He Ni,

International Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University

Dan Ma,

Tailong Finance School, Zhejiang Gongshang University

EAFC Issue, Accounting and Finance

Subsequent to the conference, after an initial review process which involved guest editors, conference section chairs and international academics, Guest Editors will invite selected authors to submit their papers to the EAFC issue.

The submission fee is waived for selected papers. The standard review process of the journal will follow.

Accounting and Finance is a Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) journal and the journal websites can be visited using the link:

•Please note that presentation at the conference does not guarantee acceptance of the paper for publication in the EAFC issue and presentation at the conference is a pre-condition for acceptance into the EAFC Issue


International Business School of Zhejiang Gongshang University and Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand will not be liable for any delay or failure to host the conference and to publish the issue caused by a factor outside our reasonable control (including but not limited to governmental or legal restraint).

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